
I'm officially ready for Christmas! (Hm, am I not always ready? haha) Today, me and mum made Swedish 'Lucia cats' or 'saffron buns' or whatever you want to call them. In Sweden, it's called "Lussekatter" at least! We're always making them before the first of Advent every year. And then, we always need to bake more after a few weeks. We just love them so much!

So, James. Whether we'll celebrate Christmas in England or Sweden in the future - I NEED these, ok? ;)


I had a lovely time in London last week! I really liked it! Big Ben and Westminister Abbey the most.

I spent my days with my friends Lisa and Clara who live there at the moment, and the evenings with James (who worked during the days). It was SO wonderful to see him again!

London was nice. I saw everything I wanted to see, went shopping a bit, had a lot of coffee at Starbucks and Costa, relaxed in the grass in Hyde Park, saw "Phantom of the Opera" (wow!!) with James, enjoyed lovely Covent Garden and lots of other things.

On the Friday, me and James went down to Bournemouth, where he lives. He's got a great, new place which I liked a lot! We went to see the beach, walked around in Bournemouth, watched films and went to the cinema to watch "Tintin". Really, really good. I recommend it!

So. What can I say? Couldn't have wished for a better week! Enjoy the pictures!

(James' picture!)

In Bournemouth:


I'm going to England tomorrow.

I'm going to ENGLAND tomorrow.


For the whole week!!

Att vänta och sakna

Saknaden gnager ständigt inom mig. Fastän jag då och då lyckats föra tankarna på annat håll, och lärt mig att inte falla i gråt varenda gång, så finns känslan där. Ständigt. Stundtals tar den över, och jag blir tvungen till att vika mig.

Just nu är det extra jobbigt. Det är tur att jag får träffa honom på måndag kväll. 3,5 vecka är verkligen gränsen för hur länge man klarar av att vara utan varann. Och så inser jag att det kommer att gå 4,5 vecka i december, då vi är ifrån varann. Puh. Och det tröstar faktiskt inte så mycket att vi kommer att ses i 2 hela veckor då, för det är väntan emellan som är jobbigast. Oavsett hur många dagar vi ses när väntan väl är över.

Men det finns inget som gör mig så glad, så lugn, och så trygg, som när jag får hålla om honom igen. Inga bekymmer, inga orosmoln, och inga sorger. Så känns det.

Därför är det värt den långa väntan!

Yup, I know

I can SO relate to this feeling.

It might as well be me who says that. Every time I leave England after been visiting my boyfriend.


My new suitcase!

I love it! :) Finally I have my own!

Can't help it

I want Christmas!

As usual, I want Christmas earlier than what's accepted... But with these pre-ordered Christmas albums, I just can't help it!

Waiting for albums by two of my favourites:


Why would we ever choose to remain unmoved?

A friend of mine from The States wrote this once. It's just a part of the poem, and it's really true what it says!

(...) The people which come into our lives indeed mean everything
And so often with teary eyes, we say our goodbyes
A quick "farewell" and then get on with our lives
Life as usual, or perhaps
something close
But "life as usual" is nothing at all, really
It certainly doesn't appeal to me
For what is usual about this thing we call life
And why would we ever choose to remain unmoved?
No, I propose something greater is required
I propose that we not remain unmoved
But with each person who enters into our lives
Something should change inside
And we should give ourselves, a piece of our lives
Or maybe even more as we say our goodbyes
With tears in our eyes

Go for it!

Supporting and encouraging people. People who, sometimes without even knowing it, gives you the advice you need in the right time. I've experienced that quite a lot recently.

Earlier this year, I applied for a teacher program that would start this autumn. I've thought about becoming a teacher since I was very young, (now and then, not very sure all the time) and decided to try and go for it.

When someone called me and asked about this job that I now have.

I said yes to become a student's assistant for this term, and maybe next one as well, and saw the opportunity to actually work in the school environment and try it out before I actually started studying it. If I started, that is. Because quite quickly after I'd started my new job, I felt I didn't want to become a teacher, although I'd thought I wanted to. The job is great, and I learn a lot from it. It's challenging and something that's good for me now. But I've realised it's not my future job. Such a perfect thing I got this job, so I could try it out, right? :)

And through this time, different people (family, friends, and lots of people that I haven't talked to in years, and people I usually not hang out with) have made me feel more what I want to do. Encouranged me. Made me think outside the box. Made things seem possible. Thanks to them, and thanks to God, who I've prayed to a lot in this.

I want to use my creativity. That's always been my thing, and I should go for what's me. I feel blessed having such nice people around me, and a God who knows me better than anyone else.

She may be young but she only likes old things,
And modern music it ain't to her taste,
She loves the natural light, captured in black and white,
She sees mirages of mountain ranges,
Within a blink of her eyes it changes,
Back to the open plain, oh no she can't explain.

(Monday Morning - Death Cab for Cutie)

Prince Edward Island

You never know what peace is until you walk on the shores or in the fields or along the winding red roads of Prince Edward Island in a summer twilight when the dew is falling and the old stars are peeping out and the sea keeps its mighty tryst with the little land it loves. You find your soul then. You realize that youth is not a vanished thing but something that dwells forever in the heart.
-Lucy Maud Montgomery (author of Anne of green Gables)

How I wished I could go to Prince Edward Island. It must be divinely beautiful.

The tree

The higher the tree reaches towards the stars, the deeper must its roots strike into the soil of the earth.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery

So this is love

I haven't written anything here in a while, and I'm sorry about that. My mind's been occupied with important things like family and a boyfriend being here for the weekend. A lovely weekend. But now it's Tuesday, and all I'm doing is missing him. It's not easy to have a distance relationship, when you love a person this much. If I only could learn how to handle the tears rolling down my face every time he's leaving me, it'd make me feel more at ease. But it's true what Anne of Green Gables says:

"The tears don't hurt like the ache does."

So, I'm living in a constant countdown until I'll see him again. The guy who makes me feel like there's nothing to worry about in this world, who gets me in a good mood by just smiling at me. Who's so generous and caring I feel like I don't deserve it. The guy who makes me think I'm the only girl in the world who gets to experience this kind of love.

I don't have words enough to describe this. This love is more beautiful than I ever could imagine.

So this is love, Mmmmmm
So this is love
So this is what makes life divine
I'm all aglow, Mmmmmm
And now I know
The key to all heaven is mine
My heart has wings, Mmmmmm
And I can fly
I'll touch ev'ry star in the sky
So this is the miracle that I've been dreaming of
So this is love



I can look at this website for hours, maybe even days. Absolutely love some of the pictures there.

That's why I've recently started to ask myself if I want to work with photography.

New Years and Chanel

All this talk about England... I'm sorry! Just wanted to say that me and James have now booked our flights for Christmas! I'll go just after Christmas and will be celebrating New Years in London! (My first proper plan for New Years in yeeeears, I'm not joking!) And then he'll go with me back to Sweden for a few days after New Years. Almost 2 weeks together! That is wonderful! I am so looking forward to it.

Today, I watched Coco Chanel, the version from 2008. I've seen it before, but it's been a while now, and I'd forgotten how good it is. What an amazing woman she was! Love watching films like that one.

I'm enjoying a very relaxing weekend, doing nothing. Very nice, in this autumn weather!

My weekend in England

I'm now back in Sweden after an awesome weekend in England. It was wonderful to see James again, and really nice to meet his lovely family!

James' parents live in Bognor Regis, so when we'd met at Gatwick train station, we went to stay there for the weekend.

Apart from meeting his parents and brothers, we walked around and James showed me the town.

I also met a few of his friends (very nice people!) at a pub and had a really nice time.

On Sunday, we went back to London where James lives now during his job training. I've never really been to London, so we walked along the Thames, saw London Bridge and Tower Bridge. We didn't have much time before my flight tho, and since it was Sunday, the tube weren't a very good option. So that's what we had time for, and to see his apartment of course. More to see when I'll go and visit again in November!

Not long until he'll come and visit me! Countdown: 11 days! Woho!

To England, where my heart lies

Oh, by the way. I'm going to England tomorrow for the weekend. Lovely, beautiful England. To visit my boyfriend. My handsome, wonderful boyfriend. It's been 3,5 weeks now since I saw him. Can't wait.

My September walk in pictures

A good day

I feel so inspired, challenged and privileged.

I feel needed, encouraged and happy.
I've now worked my first 3,5 weeks at my new job. My new job as a student's assistant and "extra teacher" who helps children with different things in smaller groups. I've now started to get into the routines, the work environment, the rules and the group of teachers at the school, so I can now point out what it's like. And I like it. So far, it's all very good, and I learn a lot!
There might be a chance that I'd like to become a teacher in the future, or something similar to what I'm doing now. I can't say for sure that I want to, but it has undoubtedly crossed my mind!

August Rush

Fantastic. Beautiful. Wonderful. Touching.
Ever since my dear friend Emmie mentioned it and recommended it on her blog, months ago, I've wanted to see it. Tonight I did, and it made me absolutely speechless. Such a beautiful film. See it!!!

Hello darkness, my old friend

I've got autumn feelings. That means, I don't care it's 25 degrees outside today. I've got autumn feelings, and I want to wear hats and scarfs, boots and thick jumpers. No more swimwear, shorts or vests please!

Rainy days in England when visiting James, with wool cardigans, boots and an umbrella. Staying in, watching a film, lighting candles. Walking in the woods, drinking tea, hugging.

I just love it!

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