99 % of the time
A piece of heaven

Tonight I had the most delicious dinner. My hostmum's grandson has an Italian friend (a student from last year) and his girlfriend over for a few days, and they made real, Italian pizza. It was like tasting a piece of heaven.
Other than that, I don't have much to tell you, dear friends. I'm looking forward to the trips this weekend. Saturday we're going to Oxford! And since Monday next week is another bank holiday and we have that day off, we're going to Tintagel and Polzeath. Excited? Yes!!
And this Friday we all should know, is the big day for Prince William and Kate. I am going to watch it partly, but not all of it. They're going to talk about it for weeks on the telly though... Swedes, you know how much they loved it when the Swedish crown princess got married! Although it seems like Exeter is not even slightly interested in the wedding. We'll see!
Talk to you soon! I'm off to bed, hoping for left-overs tomorrow :P
I couldn't stand having the same clothes anymore ;) And I actually needed jeans shorts and a white cardigan. The peacock earrings are my new favourites!

Swedish Easter lunch
Me and Jakob's Easter lunch! We tried to make it as Swedish as possible with eggs, meatballs and påskmust ;). And for dessert we had some delicious IKEA cinnamon buns and Easter sweets! Yummie!!

Good Friday
Here are some pics from yesterday!
Why not take some wierd photos while waiting for the bus to town? ;)

We just can't help it, we're too cool for our own good.

After lunch at Nando's, we were too full to walk, so we decided to sit down. And luckily, we came just in time to see the rehearsal of the Passion play that was going to take place at Guildhall Square the same evening. Some parts were really touching.

AMEN. Thank You Jesus for what You did for us. It'll forever be an unforgettable and incredibly huge thing, too much for us to really understand. But I am so wonderfully happy and thankful for Your love for us. You are worth more than anything else in my life. Don't ever let me leave You.
Why not take some wierd photos while waiting for the bus to town? ;)

We just can't help it, we're too cool for our own good.

After lunch at Nando's, we were too full to walk, so we decided to sit down. And luckily, we came just in time to see the rehearsal of the Passion play that was going to take place at Guildhall Square the same evening. Some parts were really touching.

AMEN. Thank You Jesus for what You did for us. It'll forever be an unforgettable and incredibly huge thing, too much for us to really understand. But I am so wonderfully happy and thankful for Your love for us. You are worth more than anything else in my life. Don't ever let me leave You.
Easter in Southampton
Sorry for the lack of updating recently! Time flies and it's already Easter. Ok, let's count:
I've been in Exeter for nearly 7 weeks now.
In about 3 weeks, mum and dad will come to visit me, and after that, I'll have around 2 weeks left in Exeter. Can't believe it!
I really feel that I've adapted myself to the everyday life here. I know the city well, I know what food to expect, what sort of people there are and what's normal and unusual in this country. I actually live here, and it feels really cool. But, what I wanted to say, was that although I really enjoy living here, I now start to look forward to see Sweden again. Which NOT means that I'm homesick. Not at all. I just start to look forward to it... To tell people at home about everything, to see my friends again, to come home to the Swedish summer and to start using the experiences I've got here. To start feel that I've had a wonderful time in England, and that I'll never forget it.
Anyway, nothing really exciting has happened this week, except for the hot weather we still have here. I've been to the beach twice since last week, and it's in the middle of April!
Now, I'm at Jakob's place in Southampton! Arrived yesterday evening, and will stay until Monday! What a nice and awesome weekend this will be. I love being here. Even though I love Exeter and my life there, I feel so relaxed when I'm with Jakob in Soton. I don't feel any need of doing things, and I don't really want to do a lot of things either. Just be with my brother and have a nice time, such as: watch tv series, eat Swedish food, listen to strange music and things like that.
I wish you all a wonderful Good Friday today. Have a nice weekend and I'll write soon again!
I've been in Exeter for nearly 7 weeks now.
In about 3 weeks, mum and dad will come to visit me, and after that, I'll have around 2 weeks left in Exeter. Can't believe it!
I really feel that I've adapted myself to the everyday life here. I know the city well, I know what food to expect, what sort of people there are and what's normal and unusual in this country. I actually live here, and it feels really cool. But, what I wanted to say, was that although I really enjoy living here, I now start to look forward to see Sweden again. Which NOT means that I'm homesick. Not at all. I just start to look forward to it... To tell people at home about everything, to see my friends again, to come home to the Swedish summer and to start using the experiences I've got here. To start feel that I've had a wonderful time in England, and that I'll never forget it.
Anyway, nothing really exciting has happened this week, except for the hot weather we still have here. I've been to the beach twice since last week, and it's in the middle of April!
Now, I'm at Jakob's place in Southampton! Arrived yesterday evening, and will stay until Monday! What a nice and awesome weekend this will be. I love being here. Even though I love Exeter and my life there, I feel so relaxed when I'm with Jakob in Soton. I don't feel any need of doing things, and I don't really want to do a lot of things either. Just be with my brother and have a nice time, such as: watch tv series, eat Swedish food, listen to strange music and things like that.
I wish you all a wonderful Good Friday today. Have a nice weekend and I'll write soon again!
Simon & Garfunkel
Simon & Garfunkel belongs to my current favourite music. Their music is just so beautiful. The tones, the voices, the lyrics. I'd like to share one of my favourites:
Click here!
I hear the drizzle of the rain
Like a memory it falls
Soft and warm continuing
Tapping on my roof and walls.
And from the shelter of my mind
Through the window of my eyes
I gaze beyond the rain-drenched streets
To England where my heart lies.
My mind's distracted and diffused
My thoughts are many miles away
They lie with you when you're asleep
And kiss you when you start your day.
And a song I was writing is left undone
I don't know why I spend my time
Writing songs I can't believe
With words that tear and strain to rhyme.
And so you see I have come to doubt
All that I once held as true
I stand alone without beliefs
The only truth I know is you.
And as I watch the drops of rain
Weave their weary paths and die
I know that I am like the rain
There but for the grace of you go I.
Click here!
I hear the drizzle of the rain
Like a memory it falls
Soft and warm continuing
Tapping on my roof and walls.
And from the shelter of my mind
Through the window of my eyes
I gaze beyond the rain-drenched streets
To England where my heart lies.
My mind's distracted and diffused
My thoughts are many miles away
They lie with you when you're asleep
And kiss you when you start your day.
And a song I was writing is left undone
I don't know why I spend my time
Writing songs I can't believe
With words that tear and strain to rhyme.
And so you see I have come to doubt
All that I once held as true
I stand alone without beliefs
The only truth I know is you.
And as I watch the drops of rain
Weave their weary paths and die
I know that I am like the rain
There but for the grace of you go I.
Today as in Sunday
This morning, me and Rahel went to have English breakfast at George's Meeting House. It was really good, but... The feeling of being more than full, for more than 3 hours wasn't very pleasant. Well, I didn't have to eat lunch at least! After breakfast (which we had 10.30am), me, Rahel, Tom and Simone went to Exmouth. A beach you happily go to a sunny day to swim and sun bath!

Flea market!

Almost looks like Varberg? ;P

And then Rahel came with me to church in the evening!

Flea market!

Almost looks like Varberg? ;P

And then Rahel came with me to church in the evening!
A trip to Cornwall
The sun is back and Exeter and it's population is back to normal after a few days of cloudy and rainy weather. So we were all happy going to north Cornwall yesterday (saturday). Cornwall is the county west of Devon. Look at the map!

To the left: Cornwall, to the right: Devon (where I live)
First, we went to Watergate Bay. A stunning view of the sea, and a huuge beach! (When the tide is low, that is)

After been breathing the refreshing sea air for a while, we jumped on the bus again to drive 20 minutes to the next stop: Bedruthan Steps. My friend Thomas almost got caught by the incoming tide here... It can be dangerous, indeed!

After this, at least me and Rahel were a bit sleepy (probably because of the wind and the sea air), so the next stop was a perfectly relaxing place: the little town Padstow. We walked around and looked in shops, bought a few things, and walked down to the port.

I loved Cornwall! One of the best places I've been to so far, and I bet there are a lot more things to see! Soon enough :)

To the left: Cornwall, to the right: Devon (where I live)
First, we went to Watergate Bay. A stunning view of the sea, and a huuge beach! (When the tide is low, that is)

After been breathing the refreshing sea air for a while, we jumped on the bus again to drive 20 minutes to the next stop: Bedruthan Steps. My friend Thomas almost got caught by the incoming tide here... It can be dangerous, indeed!

After this, at least me and Rahel were a bit sleepy (probably because of the wind and the sea air), so the next stop was a perfectly relaxing place: the little town Padstow. We walked around and looked in shops, bought a few things, and walked down to the port.

I loved Cornwall! One of the best places I've been to so far, and I bet there are a lot more things to see! Soon enough :)
Jag fångade kvällen
Ikväll känner jag som om hela världen är ny.
Jag är på väg hem från puben och jag känner för att springa. Så jag springer, skuttar och hoppar. Hela jag känner mig lätt i mina jeansballerinor som liksom klickar när sulan snuddar vid asfalten. Det känns somrigt. Dock blir påmind om att det bara är april då kylan smyger sig in under min nyköpta tröja av fleece. Men det gör inget. Jag skuttar vidare med känslan om att jag nog kan flyga, om jag bara lyfte fötterna lite, lite till vid varje skutt.
Månen lyser lika starkt som lyktstolparna, och vägen som annars är mycket trafikerad, är nu nästan alldeles tyst. Mörkret har fallit även över floden, men ljusen från husen bredvid reflekteras i den stora spegeln och lyser upp kajen. Nästan hemma nu. Alphington Road, som jag annars är så van vid att se dag ut och dag in, ser nu annorlunda ut. Det känns nytt.
En slags bubblande lycka inuti mig förändrar allt jag ser. Till och med ljuden från bilarna är musik för mina öron, och dofterna från de blommande träden är ljuvligare än vanligt.
Livet är vackert.

Jag är på väg hem från puben och jag känner för att springa. Så jag springer, skuttar och hoppar. Hela jag känner mig lätt i mina jeansballerinor som liksom klickar när sulan snuddar vid asfalten. Det känns somrigt. Dock blir påmind om att det bara är april då kylan smyger sig in under min nyköpta tröja av fleece. Men det gör inget. Jag skuttar vidare med känslan om att jag nog kan flyga, om jag bara lyfte fötterna lite, lite till vid varje skutt.
Månen lyser lika starkt som lyktstolparna, och vägen som annars är mycket trafikerad, är nu nästan alldeles tyst. Mörkret har fallit även över floden, men ljusen från husen bredvid reflekteras i den stora spegeln och lyser upp kajen. Nästan hemma nu. Alphington Road, som jag annars är så van vid att se dag ut och dag in, ser nu annorlunda ut. Det känns nytt.
En slags bubblande lycka inuti mig förändrar allt jag ser. Till och med ljuden från bilarna är musik för mina öron, och dofterna från de blommande träden är ljuvligare än vanligt.
Livet är vackert.

A friday on the coast
The Jurassic Coast is a wonderful coast that I'd actually never heard of before I came to Exeter. A lot of interesting places, cool rocks and nice beaches! Last time, I went to Lyme Regis, which absolutely captured my heart - the beach and the small town.
Today, me, Tom and some other students took a long walk to Budleigh and finished on Sandy Bay (please, check Google maps.. I couldn't find any good map!). Although I didn't walk all the time (I chose to go with Tom in the car sometimes), I enjoyed the walk and the stunning view!

Me and Rahel!


A good day in school, an enjoyable afternoon on the Jurassic Coast and a relaxing evening at home. G O O D.
Today, me, Tom and some other students took a long walk to Budleigh and finished on Sandy Bay (please, check Google maps.. I couldn't find any good map!). Although I didn't walk all the time (I chose to go with Tom in the car sometimes), I enjoyed the walk and the stunning view!

Me and Rahel!


A good day in school, an enjoyable afternoon on the Jurassic Coast and a relaxing evening at home. G O O D.
Torquay and cinema
This afternoon, me and Rahel went to Torquay! Beautiful beach, and refreshing sea air. It reminded me of the many summers on the French riviera. A bit colder this time though! ;) We walked on the beach and by the harbour, looked in the shops, had fish and chips and ice cream before we returned to the train station. Nice afternoon!
Later, we went to the cinema with Tom, Simone, my teacher Phil and another teacher, to watch "Limitless". And I've never been so uptight or excited during a film ever! My muscles hurt afterwards cause I'd been sitting and waiting for new surprising moments the whole time! A good and clever film! Worth seeing!

Tomorrow, we're going to the Jurassic coast (again, but this time another part of it)! I hope for good weather, cause the last three days it's actually been raining here! :O haha.
Later, we went to the cinema with Tom, Simone, my teacher Phil and another teacher, to watch "Limitless". And I've never been so uptight or excited during a film ever! My muscles hurt afterwards cause I'd been sitting and waiting for new surprising moments the whole time! A good and clever film! Worth seeing!

Tomorrow, we're going to the Jurassic coast (again, but this time another part of it)! I hope for good weather, cause the last three days it's actually been raining here! :O haha.
English tea and swiss chocolate
Yesterday, me, Tom and Rahel went to Simone's new, yet unfurnished flat to drink tea and eat chocolate, sitting on cushions! :) Nice indeed!

My current host sisters
Thought I should take a picture of my current host sisters! (And one of the host sister's brother who came over to watch a film on Monday this week)
Since I came here, I've had 8 host sisters, including those in the picture.
From the left: Nikita (Belgium), Rani (Belgium), Nina (French-speaking part of Switzerland), Vanessa (German-speaking part of Switzerland) and Vanessas brother Marc.

Next week, everyone but Nina in the picture will be gone again, replaced by two new students arriving this weekend.
Since I came here, I've had 8 host sisters, including those in the picture.
From the left: Nikita (Belgium), Rani (Belgium), Nina (French-speaking part of Switzerland), Vanessa (German-speaking part of Switzerland) and Vanessas brother Marc.

Next week, everyone but Nina in the picture will be gone again, replaced by two new students arriving this weekend.
A day in South Wales
Ok, so yesterday I spent the whole day in South Wales! It was really cool to get the opportunity to go there while I'm in the UK! We did a castle tour and went to see three very different castles. I enjoyed it! Especially with a clear, blue sky and in the temperature of more than 20 degrees!
First, Castell Coch. A romantic, kinda "Disney"-like castle from the 19th century.

And then we continued to Caerphilly Castle, a military castle built in 1268-1271. Really cool place!

The last place we went to visit was St Fagans National History Museum, which is an open-air museum of how the Welsh people lived a hundred years ago, and further back in history. Interesting!

A good day, although it was tiring! Now, a new week has started - and I'm excited about what it'll bring! I continue to eat Swedish sweets (I'll grow fat, I'm sure!) and enjoy the summer weather we have so far. I still love everything here as much as I did the very first week, but I also look forward to see everyone in Sweden when I go back. 12 weeks is just a perfect time.
First, Castell Coch. A romantic, kinda "Disney"-like castle from the 19th century.

And then we continued to Caerphilly Castle, a military castle built in 1268-1271. Really cool place!

The last place we went to visit was St Fagans National History Museum, which is an open-air museum of how the Welsh people lived a hundred years ago, and further back in history. Interesting!

A good day, although it was tiring! Now, a new week has started - and I'm excited about what it'll bring! I continue to eat Swedish sweets (I'll grow fat, I'm sure!) and enjoy the summer weather we have so far. I still love everything here as much as I did the very first week, but I also look forward to see everyone in Sweden when I go back. 12 weeks is just a perfect time.
A sunny day in Dartmoor
Today, me, Tom, Jeanne, Rahel and Simone went to Dartmoor to enjoy the beautiful sunshine. I love Dartmoor, there's so much to see in this big, green nature area! And this was my second time there.
The Dartmoor ponies are really tame!

Haytor, Dartmoor

This is Jeanne from France - really nice girl!

Me and Rahel from Switzerland. She lived in Sweden for a year, and her Swedish is SO good! She lived in Boden, and she's picked up the accent!

And my dear Simone!

And on our way home, we stopped for cream tea in the sun - yummie!

Now off to Simone for some hot choc! Tomorrow: Welsh castles!
The Dartmoor ponies are really tame!

Haytor, Dartmoor

This is Jeanne from France - really nice girl!

Me and Rahel from Switzerland. She lived in Sweden for a year, and her Swedish is SO good! She lived in Boden, and she's picked up the accent!

And my dear Simone!

And on our way home, we stopped for cream tea in the sun - yummie!

Now off to Simone for some hot choc! Tomorrow: Welsh castles!
Feeling good
Yesterday afternoon, this song suddenly came to my mind. I've always liked it, and I've always liked Michael Bublé, but yesterday it suddenly changed it's meaning to me. He's singing about me!

2 days with Frida
I had a wonderful time while Frida was here, really. Thursday, we went shopping the whole day, and then went to two pubs in the evening. It is summer weather here right now. At least 20 degrees and sunny, and it'll last during the weekend as well!

And day 2 (Friday). No specific plans more than having cream tea some time during the day. But... the day turned into a very special day...
The day before, I started to talk about that I've been thinking about getting a tattoo for a long time, and Frida told me she's been thinking about it as well. So... I just spontaneously came up with the idea that we should do it together - the next day! We got excited and laughed, walked home and went to bed.
And the day came. We walked up to city centre to check if we needed to do an appointment, but we didn't need to, so we said we were going to come back later, and started to compare pros and cons and think about if we really wanted to. And we both wanted to, although both were nervous and a bit crazy about it all. So we went back, the guy started to sketch some ideas for our tattoos, and we decided to do it! It only took 5-10 mins, I'm not joking! And, the most important question I guess: it didn't hurt that bad actually! Thought I was going to cry or scream or something like that, but no. Surprising. And I'm very, very happy with it. Afterwards, we went to have cream tea (don't know how much we thought about it though, we were too busy talking about what we just had done!).

And Frida's:

Cream Tea!

And day 2 (Friday). No specific plans more than having cream tea some time during the day. But... the day turned into a very special day...
The day before, I started to talk about that I've been thinking about getting a tattoo for a long time, and Frida told me she's been thinking about it as well. So... I just spontaneously came up with the idea that we should do it together - the next day! We got excited and laughed, walked home and went to bed.
And the day came. We walked up to city centre to check if we needed to do an appointment, but we didn't need to, so we said we were going to come back later, and started to compare pros and cons and think about if we really wanted to. And we both wanted to, although both were nervous and a bit crazy about it all. So we went back, the guy started to sketch some ideas for our tattoos, and we decided to do it! It only took 5-10 mins, I'm not joking! And, the most important question I guess: it didn't hurt that bad actually! Thought I was going to cry or scream or something like that, but no. Surprising. And I'm very, very happy with it. Afterwards, we went to have cream tea (don't know how much we thought about it though, we were too busy talking about what we just had done!).

And Frida's:

Cream Tea!

The best sister in the world!
This was waiting for me when I came home today!! THANK YOU SIS!!!! And Joann and the boys! :)

Today I am SO happy, because:
The progress test I did yesterday went well
I booked tickets to Southampton today (to visit Jakob during Easter)
Frida is coming here tomorrow, and stays until Friday night!!!
And now I'm going to meet Simone and some new friends at a pub!

And I love Exeter. Really. I will always look back on this time of my life as a deliriously happy time.
The progress test I did yesterday went well
I booked tickets to Southampton today (to visit Jakob during Easter)
Frida is coming here tomorrow, and stays until Friday night!!!
And now I'm going to meet Simone and some new friends at a pub!

And I love Exeter. Really. I will always look back on this time of my life as a deliriously happy time.
Cheddar, Wells and Glastonbury Tor
Yesterday, we went to three places in Somerset, the region above Devon. First stop, Cheddar Gorge. It's the only gorge (the guide said so at least) in England, and it's huge! Look!

And then we continued to Cheddar, to first enter one of the caves there. Really cool. And this is the place where they first started to make the Cheddar cheese! We saw a skeleton (uuh) and we were lucky enough to see a bat!

And of course we had to taste some Cheddar cheese!

After Cheddar, we continued to Wells. A very small city in England, but with a huuuuge cathedral, with the world's oldest working clock! Amazing!

And the last stop: Glastonbury Tor. A world famous hill with a wonderful view. We saw the sea, over to Wales, and as far as Bath!

This is Thomas from Iowa! Crazy American!

And then we continued to Cheddar, to first enter one of the caves there. Really cool. And this is the place where they first started to make the Cheddar cheese! We saw a skeleton (uuh) and we were lucky enough to see a bat!

And of course we had to taste some Cheddar cheese!

After Cheddar, we continued to Wells. A very small city in England, but with a huuuuge cathedral, with the world's oldest working clock! Amazing!

And the last stop: Glastonbury Tor. A world famous hill with a wonderful view. We saw the sea, over to Wales, and as far as Bath!

This is Thomas from Iowa! Crazy American!
Killerton House
This week's Friday trip:
Killerton House, just 20 minutes out of Exeter. Not an impressively big house, but still, it took my breath away when we entered it (for those of you who know me: you can imagine exactly how dreamy and excited I was...). The house was built as a temporary residence for the important Devon family Aclands, 1779.

But the house itself wasn't the only thing to see. The gardens were huge and pretty amazing!

Although I really loved the house, its interior and everything about it, I think the small chapel on the hill behind the house was the most wonderful thing with this trip. Imagine huge green fields around this dark stone building, and a lot of crows flying around it. Although it's a nice building, I reckon it is quite spooky during night time...

Tomorrow, I'm going to Avalon - Wells (Englands smallest city) and the Cheddar Caves. More pics by then!
Night! x
Killerton House, just 20 minutes out of Exeter. Not an impressively big house, but still, it took my breath away when we entered it (for those of you who know me: you can imagine exactly how dreamy and excited I was...). The house was built as a temporary residence for the important Devon family Aclands, 1779.

But the house itself wasn't the only thing to see. The gardens were huge and pretty amazing!

Although I really loved the house, its interior and everything about it, I think the small chapel on the hill behind the house was the most wonderful thing with this trip. Imagine huge green fields around this dark stone building, and a lot of crows flying around it. Although it's a nice building, I reckon it is quite spooky during night time...

Tomorrow, I'm going to Avalon - Wells (Englands smallest city) and the Cheddar Caves. More pics by then!
Night! x
Pictures of the week
Wednesday evening we went to "On the Waterfront" by the quay and had delicious pizza!

And yesterday I bought this adorable dress. I just couldn't resist it. Very much in the 50's style, it's light blue, AND has dots. Can it be better? Possibly if it would be an original dress from that era.

And yesterday I bought this adorable dress. I just couldn't resist it. Very much in the 50's style, it's light blue, AND has dots. Can it be better? Possibly if it would be an original dress from that era.