2 days with Frida
I had a wonderful time while Frida was here, really. Thursday, we went shopping the whole day, and then went to two pubs in the evening. It is summer weather here right now. At least 20 degrees and sunny, and it'll last during the weekend as well!

And day 2 (Friday). No specific plans more than having cream tea some time during the day. But... the day turned into a very special day...
The day before, I started to talk about that I've been thinking about getting a tattoo for a long time, and Frida told me she's been thinking about it as well. So... I just spontaneously came up with the idea that we should do it together - the next day! We got excited and laughed, walked home and went to bed.
And the day came. We walked up to city centre to check if we needed to do an appointment, but we didn't need to, so we said we were going to come back later, and started to compare pros and cons and think about if we really wanted to. And we both wanted to, although both were nervous and a bit crazy about it all. So we went back, the guy started to sketch some ideas for our tattoos, and we decided to do it! It only took 5-10 mins, I'm not joking! And, the most important question I guess: it didn't hurt that bad actually! Thought I was going to cry or scream or something like that, but no. Surprising. And I'm very, very happy with it. Afterwards, we went to have cream tea (don't know how much we thought about it though, we were too busy talking about what we just had done!).

And Frida's:

Cream Tea!

And day 2 (Friday). No specific plans more than having cream tea some time during the day. But... the day turned into a very special day...
The day before, I started to talk about that I've been thinking about getting a tattoo for a long time, and Frida told me she's been thinking about it as well. So... I just spontaneously came up with the idea that we should do it together - the next day! We got excited and laughed, walked home and went to bed.
And the day came. We walked up to city centre to check if we needed to do an appointment, but we didn't need to, so we said we were going to come back later, and started to compare pros and cons and think about if we really wanted to. And we both wanted to, although both were nervous and a bit crazy about it all. So we went back, the guy started to sketch some ideas for our tattoos, and we decided to do it! It only took 5-10 mins, I'm not joking! And, the most important question I guess: it didn't hurt that bad actually! Thought I was going to cry or scream or something like that, but no. Surprising. And I'm very, very happy with it. Afterwards, we went to have cream tea (don't know how much we thought about it though, we were too busy talking about what we just had done!).

And Frida's:

Cream Tea!

Postat av: christina
Åh vad söta ni är!!Kram
Postat av: esra
Åhhh vad fina bilder! VILKEN HÄFTIG TATUERING!!!!
Postat av: Olivia
Tack mami!!
Å tack Esra :D :D är supernöjd!!
Postat av: Karin
KUL! Jag hade helt missat din tatuering :-D Bra vågat! ;-) Kram!
Postat av: Olivia
Hihi, tack Karin!! Kram!!