Memories of the student ball
In these times of graduation and ball, I can't help but think back on last year, when I went to my student ball. It is still one of the best days I've had in my life, and one of the most memorable, of course. I had the chance to wear my dream dress, which my best friend's mum sewed after my wishes! And when I look into my wardrobe and see it, I wish I'll have another chance to wear it, soon!

All the photos (except for the first one) are taken by my dear sister-in-law.

All the photos (except for the first one) are taken by my dear sister-in-law.
Postat av: Christina
Åh min söta flicka!!
Fin frisyr;-) kram
Postat av: Olivia
hihihihihi ;) tack! kram
Postat av: Frida Dahlin
Om jag gifter mig i framtiden så kan du få ha den klänningen på mitt bröllop för du är så underbart fin i den! :) hihi..
Postat av: Olivia
TACK Frida! Det vill jag gärna med :) gift dig snart, okej? ;) kram