One Minute - Mary Mary
1 - All I need is one minute of Your time
Five seconds of it may change Your mind
Ten seconds to make You see
Fifteen to say Lord I'm sorry
For all the things I've done
I'll take twenty more to say You're the one
Nine to think it through
I'll take the one to say I love You
Late at night when I was all alone
You held me in Your arms
I strayed away only to find
There was no place to hide
Lord please hear me when I say
I'll give my life to You
Whatever I've gotta do
Show me Lord and I will live for You
En minut...till att säga att jag älskar Jesus av hela mitt hjärta.
Five seconds of it may change Your mind
Ten seconds to make You see
Fifteen to say Lord I'm sorry
For all the things I've done
I'll take twenty more to say You're the one
Nine to think it through
I'll take the one to say I love You
Late at night when I was all alone
You held me in Your arms
I strayed away only to find
There was no place to hide
Lord please hear me when I say
I'll give my life to You
Whatever I've gotta do
Show me Lord and I will live for You
En minut...till att säga att jag älskar Jesus av hela mitt hjärta.
Postat av: Anonym
å hej igen! :D Jag är stor beundrare av din blogg ;).
Lyssnar du på Mary Marys äldsta skiva?? VISST är den bra! :D
Den låten är fin.
Postat av: Olivia
Tackar :) Vem är det som skriver? Hm..
Den är jättebra!!
Postat av: Emmie